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Welcome to seats to streets

We can help you mobilize your church from the seats to the streets.

We work with motivated churches and leaders to create and launch and mobilization plans for committed disciples

Keep Your Head Up

No more hard Sunday afternoons wondering why your people are not committed.

The Next Step

Knowing and executing the next right step to health and growth can be crippling.

Right Beside You

We won’t hand you a task list and leave, we want to be right beside you as you implement change.

Imagine the impact on your community, the world and the kingdom if your people didn’t just come to church on sunday, but they were send out to be the church everyday

We can help with a three part plan.


We are not the hero, you are! We lead best from the 2nd chair. We want to listen from key leaders to discover how to best serve you.


Do you have clear process for
mobilizing your church. Let us share ours with you.


You won’t be alone in this. When it’s time to make change, we step to the starting line with you and run the race alongside you

“Seats to Streets has been a resource for our church, my ministry, and my walk with Jesus. Don’t miss this opportunity to move God’s people into action and mission.”

Matthew Craig

Lead Minister
First Christian Church
Scottsburg, Indiana

If you need someone to do it for you, we're not the solution.

Our mentors are ready to walk alongside church leaders who are ready to mobilize their people, and leverage their combined experience to move things forward.