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Mentors with Relevant Pastrol Experience

We believe no one should travel alone in ministry. Meet our mentors

A picture of mentor JR Horn.


JR Horn is a ministerial staff and church coach. He helps Ministerial Staff, and Missions Teams to understand their call in equipping their congregation to serve in local and global missions in order to see their people mobilized from Sunday morning seats to local and global streets. When not working directly with churches and individuals interested in going into missions, you will find him side by side with his wife on their motorcycles taking in the Kentucky backroads.



Hailing from southern Indiana and currently residing in Wisconsin, Brian Gorman brings an extensive wealth of wisdom to the table. Currently serving in his 18th year as the Lead Minister at First Christian, Brian has a gift of bringing anyone he coaches to the highest level to see their ministry from a new perspective. Extremely skilled in executive level systems and structure while having the heart of a pastor knowing that every number reflects a child of God. Any minister or church leader that is coached by Brian will walk away with excitement from knowing their next step.

We are ready to encourage and equip you for the journey.

Our mentors are ready to walk alongside church leaders who are ready to mobilize their people, and leverage their combined experience to move things forward.